Madaula - Creative Solutions


Madaula Offices Meeting at Madaula Engineering at Madaula Assembly at Madauka Madaula Tilting Angle Head Madaula Offices Madaula Offices

Tradition in precision

Since 1956, Madaula S.A., Precision Engineering, has stood for the highest qualtity and the best reliability of its products. We have over 55 years of experience in Design, Develop and Manufacture all kind of heads for the machine tool industy incorporating the latest technologies.

We are specialists in the manufacture of:

  • Angle Heads
  • Heads & Accessories for big milling, boring, portal machines and vertical lathes.
  • Live tooling for CNC lathes
  • Live tooling for Swiss type lathes
  • Multispindle heads
  • Spindle Speeders
  • High frequency spindles - Brand: Precitronics
  • Equipment for CNC lathes
  • Special Applications

Innovation and reliability

Madaula is focused on its abitlity to create products adapted to the customer's requirements, reducing their manufacturing costs and thereby improving their competitive edge in the market. We work to ensure optimally designed, precise, robust and durable products.

"We also love challenges. Our goal is to turn the customer's vision into reality and thereby increase its productibity."

QUALITY- PRICE- SERVICE for our customers is our slogan. Our leitmotiv is keeping and increasing the amount of satisfied customers, by offering quality products, which improve the standard quality of life and are environment-friendly.

This great demand is due to the confidence on the quality of our products. We have been given the UNE-EN-ISO-9001 quality certificate since 1999.

Regular customers of ours are worldwide known companies in the field of aeronautics, automotive, machine tools, electronics, and so on.

All over the world

Madaula head office and factory are located in Barcelona, recognized city throughout the world by the creativity and constant innovation of its industries.

We sell and supply worldwide with subsidiaries in France, Germany, United States, Italy, Brazil and India, and with reoresentatives all over the world. We export the 80% of our production. Our exports (USA, UE, ASIA...) represents a 80% of our production.

Madaula also attend the most important exhibitions in the mechanical world.

Madula World Wide Offices

Manufacturing facilties

On 2012 Madaula inaugurated new facilities with modern bright design and eco-friendly architecture which includes open space offices and production area. Also on June 2014 we added a new Zeiss Accura CMM, the best and most advanced control measure machine in the market to provide our customers the best quality in the market.

Environmental politics

Environmental care


Madaula environmental politics are a main issue inside the Madaula organisation worldwide. They are a live document which is present all over the organisation, from the management to the last position in our company; this politics are reviewed and updated constantly with the aim to meet the requirements of our staff and the companies we work with as well as the environment’s demand. Madaula’s management has established the criteria to be followed about the environment.

Madaula thinks that the sustained development is one of the greatest challenges, which the world nowadays faces with. To face this important challenge our company is constantly researching into new solutions to find a perfect balance between economy and ecology.

Basic Principles

  • Sustained Development, to find the perfect balance between environmental impact and economical growth.
  • Better to prevent than to cure. Better to avoid that problems arise than to have to solve them later.
  • Study of a product's life cycle, from the raw material up to the end of its life, including manufacture and useful phase.
  • Cooperate as much as possible with governmental organizations and non-governmental ones, as well.


  • Madaula politics is based on setting up some targets, both technically as economically feasible, which harmonize the relationship between environment and products, services and activities to be developed.
  • Among these purposes, the ones concerning the products' development are focused on estimating the environmental impact of a product during its useful life in order to meet the measures needed to do a good use of the manufacturing materials, including the ones used for its packaging. The aim of this is moreover to minimize or remove completely the use of toxic substances, as well as to reduce the energy consumption and to make the easiest as possible the recycle process or the evacuation as a waste product, once finished its useful life.
  • The purposes related to fabrication are focused on the activities developed by Madaula which affect the environment, such as emissions to the air and water, energy and water consumption, and the evacuation of waste materials.
  • Madaula is engaged to fulfil every law and regulation related to their activities. Madaula promotes the international balance of these laws and regulations, and we are always disposed to meet voluntary any agreement to be reached.
  • Madaula informs their staff and companies we work with about the environmental politics and publish the results on the reports about the development of this environmental politics.
  • Madaula promotes among their staff the fulfilment of its environmental politics.